The smart steam foamer connected to your espresso machine.
Perfect Moose is the smart, automated foamer which takes over for the busy barista, rescues the untrained and gives your customers a true treat worth coming back for.
Using any milk type you like. Your extra pair of barista hands.
Who's Greg?
Perfect Moose Greg is a ‘gregarious’ kind of foamer who likes holding hoofs with your espresso machine. Connect Moose Greg to your espresso machine and they will share its boiler to create those tiny microbubbles you want.
Want Moose Greg to partner up with your espresso machine? Just be sure it produces a constant steam pressure using a separate steam boiler or multi-boiler technology. Greg likes a steady partner…
Greg works with 35 | 50 | 75 cl Smart Moose Pitchers.
Epic Greg works with 50 | 75 | 100 cl Smart Moose Pitchers.